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2024-09-17 08:20    点击次数:165



#### 一、单项选择题


What is the meaning of “friendship” in English?

A. 友谊

B. 朋友

C. 同学


D. 爱情

**解析**:正确答案是A. 友谊。这个词汇在英文中特指人与人之间的亲密关系,不同于选项B的“朋友”(指特定的人),Hao的个人空间济南融硕信息科技有限公司选项C的“同学”(指在同一所学校或班级学习的人), 万宁东澳全推软件设计工作室以及选项D的“爱情”(指更深层次的情感联系)。

#### 二、完形填空题


Once upon a time, 冷漠网 there was a __1__ who loved to travel. One day, he decided to visit a faraway land where people spoke a different language. He packed his bags and set off on his journey. When he arrived, he found that the people spoke a language he didn’t understand. Feeling __2__, he tried to communicate using gestures and simple phrases. Slowly, the locals began to understand him and shared their culture with him. The traveler learned a lot about the new place and made many friends along the way.


1. ___________

2. ___________

**解析**:正确答案为1. traveler(旅行者);2. lost(迷路的)。这个故事通过完形填空的形式,考查了学生对于上下文的理解和词汇应用能力。

#### 三、阅读理解题


Read the following passage and answer the questions below.


The sun sets in the west and rises in the east. It provides light and warmth for all living things on Earth. People use the sun to tell time and to mark seasons. Without the sun, life as we know it would not exist.


1. Where does the sun set?

2. What does the sun provide for living things on Earth?

3. How do people use the sun?


1. The sun sets in the west.

2. The sun provides light and warmth for all living things on Earth.

3. People use the sun to tell time and to mark seasons.


### 结语


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